You want to get, individually or collectively, more success, more performance, more collaboration, more confidence, more creativity, better relations and much, much more beside …
Individual coaching, team coaching, organisational coaching, emotional intelligence and collective intelligence are the passion and the expertise of Integral Togetherness.
We invite you to explore this site and to contact us.
You want to get, individually or collectively, more success, more performance, more collaboration, more confidence, more creativity, better relations and much, much more beside …
Individual coaching, team coaching, organisational coaching, emotional intelligence and collective intelligence are the passion and the expertise of Integral Togetherness.
We invite you to explore this site and to contact us.
Our expertise at your service
Team coaching / Organisational coaching / Individual coaching / Training

Integral Togetherness both practices and develops the roles of coach and trainer and offers its services either within individual coaching, team and organisational coaching as well as training.
Training allows for the discovery, learning and practice of new-found knowledge and skills for a group of people who mostly do not yet operate as a team on their return to their professional life. Together we can explore which approach best suits your needs from the possibilities outlined below.
We see coaching as enabling a system, person, team or organisation to discover and apply for themselves their own answers and solutions to the challenges they face. See below how we might move forward together.
Why Integral Togetherness?
"Togetherness " ? "Integral " ? / Vision, mission, ambition and role / Making collective intelligence a daily practice / Our team at your service: Daniel JEROME / Our team at your service: Elke ESDERS

Integral Togetherness is a company (SPRL) set up in Brussels on 2 July 2010, inspired by Daniel Jerome’s six years of experience (2005-2010) in the areas of training and coaching.
If you would like to know more, via this website, you can discover the meaning of “Integral Togetherness”, its vision, its mission, its ambition, its role and its team at your service ...
Our approaches and tools
for team- and organisational coaching / for individual coaching

Our approaches and tools for individual coaching AND for team coaching
Our Partners

To carry out some of its commissions, Integral Togetherness works with several partners, organisations or individuals.
– ADN with Marine Simon
– Auralia with Aurélie Caillaud
– Awareness Consulting
– Collaborcity
– Conscious Partners
– Dynamic Solutions
– Emergences asbl...
Concepts, méthodes et applications
Le Grand Livre de l’Appreciative Inquiry
Accompagnement et coaching de Jean-Christophe Barralis
Livre et eBook - Dunod
L’Appreciative Inquiry est une démarche d’intelligence collective centrée sur les forces et les aspects positifs des organisations qui permet la création d’un avenir désiré par les parties prenantes. Le Grand Livre de l’Appreciative Inquiry offre un panorama complet de ses concepts et de sa pratique dans toute la riche étendue de ses champs d’intervention. Cet ouvrage collectif réunit trente-huit contributeurs passionnés, dont Daniel Jérôme, dirigeant de Integral Togetherness.
Our Clients

Here are some of the organisations that have commissioned Integral Togetherness since 2010 and/or Daniel JEROME since 2005.
They include international organisations, European and Belgian institutions, businesses, administrations, non-governmental organisations (NGOs), not-for-profit organisations (asbl in Belgium), schools…
Avenue des Mélèzes 7 - 1410 WATERLOO - BELGIUM | Phone: +32 498 548 195 | contact us